Understanding the Codebehind (.ascx.cs) File

Review the codebehind file, new_widget.ascx.cs.

A series of using statements are at the top of the file. Notice the Ektron ones in particular:

using Ektron.Cms.Widget;
using Ektron.Cms;Marketing team
using Ektron.Cms.API;
using Ektron.Cms.Common;
using Ektron.Cms.PageBuilder;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

Next, note a widget host class, which inherits the system.Web.UI.UserControl and IWidget classes.

public partial class widgets_new_widget : System.Web.UI.UserControl, IWidget

The following figure summarizes the remaining elements of the codebehind file.

Show me.

In the next line, notice the widget’s properties: a string for the text field, and a boolean for the check box. You define the variables and their type here. Possible types are string, integer, long and date.

#region properties
private string _HelloString;
private bool _CheckBoxBool;
public bool CheckBoxBool { get { return _CheckBoxBool; } set { _CheckBoxBool = value; } }
[WidgetDataMember("Hello Wolrd")]
public string HelloString { get { return _HelloString; } set { _HelloString = value; } }

The following is a widget host declaration.

private IWidgetHost _host;

The following is the widget’s page_init events.

protected void Page_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
 _host = Ektron.Cms.Widget.WidgetHost.GetHost(this);
 _host.Title = "Hello World Widget";
 _host.Edit += new EditDelegate(EditEvent);
 _host.Maximize += new MaximizeDelegate(delegate() { Visible = true; });
 _host.Minimize += new MinimizeDelegate(delegate() { Visible = false; });
 _host.Create += new CreateDelegate(delegate() { EditEvent(""); });
 PreRender += new EventHandler(delegate(object PreRenderSender, EventArgs Evt) { SetOutput(); });

Comments on the above code

void EditEvent(string settings)
string sitepath = new CommonApi().SitePath;
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptInclude(this, this.GetType(), "widgetjavascript", 	sitepath + "widgets/widgets.js");
ScriptManager.RegisterOnSubmitStatement(this.Page, this.GetType(), "gadgetescapehtml", 	"GadgetEscapeHTML('" + HelloTextBox.ClientID + "');");
HelloTextBox.Text = HelloString;
MyCheckBox.Checked = CheckBoxBool;

Comments on the above code

Warning! You must register JavaScript and cascading style sheet (css) instructions in an external file. See Working with JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets

protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        HelloString = ReplaceEncodeBrackets(HelloTextBox.Text);
        CheckBoxBool = MyCheckBox.Checked;

The following is the widget’s SetOutput events.

protected void SetOutput()
        HelloTextLabel.Text = HelloString;  // client javascript remove brackets, server side adds back
        CheckBoxLabel.Text = CheckBoxBool.ToString();

The following is the widget’s Cancel events.

protected void CancelButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

The following is the encoding of the greater and less than signs.

protected string ReplaceEncodeBrackets(string encodetext)
        encodetext = Regex.Replace(encodetext, "&lt;", "<");
        encodetext = Regex.Replace(encodetext, "&gt;", ">");
        return encodetext;
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